Mavers was selected for the award from nominations from coworkers. The Nation Meyer Innovative Banker Award honors bankers who are working toward the betterment of banking in their community.
Mavers is responsible for a wide breadth of duties within FirstOak Bank’s operations while overseeing IT operations for every branch. In her spare time, Mavers also volunteers her time to the community with various events and efforts within her local community.
Mavers received a hand blown glass award for her achievements.
Mavers, an Independence, KS native, loves watching her three kids, Morgan freshman in college, Jase freshman in high school, and Cameron 7th grader play in all of their sports. In her spare time (whenever she can find some) you can catch her with a good book in hand.
DCI (Data Center Inc), founded in 1963, is the developer of iCore360 core banking software and digital technologies. The award is named for the founder of DCI whose legacy was banking technology and innovation while collaborating with the community.